To know about 4th dimension we have to first clear about zero,one,second ,third dimensions.So if we onlytalk about a dot than it has zero dimension because it has no length,no hight,no breadth so it has only zero dimension.

      Where 1st dimension is we can say is a line because line has only length.So if join two dots we can see a line is made.Whereas 2nd dimension is that we can say that is when we join lines and make a square we can see that the square which we have made is in 2 dimensions because has length and breadth and also 3rd dimension is that like we join squares and make a qube than we can see hight,lenth and breadth also so it has 3 dimensions.

    Now we know about all 4 dimensions but when we talk about 4th dimension you will think that all three thing length,breadth and hight are used what is gonna our fourth element.So in 4th dimension our fourth element is time.Many things are available in world that science cannot  explain.So if we think about 4th dimension which has a element that is time than many things can be explained.

   We can explain many things with 4th dimension because there is fourth element time.Because of there is fourth element time which thing is in 4 dimension that thing will continuously change with time.we are leaving in 3D world so we cannot see 4D things in our world.Let's understand with an example if take a 2D world and a spacecraft which is 3D is outside of the world so the people of 2D world cannot see that 3D thing if that spacecraft will go to that 2D world.People of that world will think that is a miracle.Now spacecraft is out of 2D world and man of that world will go to space and see that 3D thing than he will think that is  a mirecle and if he come back to hi world and share his experience than anyone is not gonna trust on him and he cannot explain that thing because that things is not exist in his world.

    Like that we are leaving in 3D world so if we think about 4D thing we cannot explain that because that is not exist in our world.So with this we can say that 4th dimension exist also space and time both are connected to each other so in our space 4d matter will also available.As per string theory total 10 dimension exist.We can also say that if we find 4D matter we can also do time travel to do that we have to just trigger 4D to 5D and can travek through time and also we can see our past and we can change it.

   You are thinking that how we can change our past with 4D matter so you have to know that if we think about aur life time all our life time is in 4D because with time our body changes.With this we can say our lifetime is in 4D so we can change our past with 4D matter.


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