How are you guys?Do you know about whiteholes? so guys lets talk about whiteholes.whiteholes are totally oposite of blackholes.Blackhaoles attract every thing which has matter and light also cannot pass through blackholes whether whiteholes through every thing out which is formed by matter white holes can attract exotic matter.Exotic matter is negative matter so whiteholes can attract negative matter and also light can pass through whiteholes.

   It can rightly said that when blackhole collapse it will be formed in whitehole because in all life duration of blackholes attrack matter and eaten up so as per rule of Newton and Einstein's law matter cannot generate and cannot go over so we can say that in life duration of blackholes they have eaten up matters so when they collapse they become whiteholes for some time and then they vomit all eaten up matter so by this mathod we can say that  by following the rules of Newton and Einstein blackholes can change in whiteholes.

   Also Einstein has told that with the equation Einstein has proved that whiteholes exists.Also in 2006 there is a blast of GAMA RAYS form million miles to earth scientist has noted and they are suggesting that that was a whitehole and that was 132 sec gamarays blast.With this we can say that whiteholes can exists our scientist are working on it.


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