We humans are so curious and we want to know more and more about this universe.Like that we want to also know about how this universe made or how this universe works?and also ,many more.To know about this universe,we are using two theories:
To know about very big objects like stars,planets and milkyways we are using general theory of relativity where at atomic and sub atomic level to know about structure of any matter we use quantum field theory.This both theory work perfectly in their domain like if we want to know about any big object we have to use general theory of relativity and if we want toknow about and small object we have to use quantum field theory but we want to know that why we have to use two different theories can any theory explain almost all objects(big and small) in this universe so scientists have made a theory called STRING THEORY.this theory said many things about quantum gravity,multiple dimensions and also explained universe before big bang.

        Interactions of particles in universe with any forces we can devide them all in four fundamental forces.They are:
If we think about gravitational force it is the weakest in all four forces but it has maximum domain in all four forces.Because of this force all planets are moving aroung sun and moon is moving around earth.Very very long ago we thought that electric and megnatic both are different forces but in 1864 JAMES MAXWELL proved that they both forces are connected with each other.In 1940 because of quantum electro dynamics it was added to quantum forces.Now if we think about  strong nuclear force it is the strongest among all four forces because it holds protons and nutons in nucleus.Let's say for example if you think abou helium atom thant it has two protons in its nucleus which repel each other but strong nuclear force hold them up in nucleus.At sub atomic level structure of universe and how all four forces work?Standred model of particle physics has given its answer.Acording to this model in our universe all objects are made from 12 basic building blocks which has 6 quarks and other 6 are leptons which are as per image:

        In all four fundamental forces we can explain 3 forces with standred model of particle physics but we can not explain gravitational force with it.We can not explain gravity in quantum level but string theory has explained gravity in quantum level.It says that if we take any object and we try to know about it structure than we can see that it is made from atoms and atoms are with electrons and nucleus and nucleus with protons and nutrons and this protons are from quarks we cosidered quarks as amallest part of any object but string theory says that this quarks are made from energy strings which are vibrating continuously.We can see that if we take any cello and if we vibrates its strings in different ways we can hear different music like that energy strings vibrate in different ways and made different particles.This strings can be opened from both sides , can be closed from both sides and also can make different postures.With this trings we can explain all things about this universe.

       But it is not easy to explain all things about this universe with this theory because it we look at mathematical equations of this theory than we can see that this theory is only working for that world which has at least 10 dimensions not for that  world which has only 3 dimensions so theory has not be work in this world but with this theory we can explain standred model with mathematical equations so this theory can be right so if this theory is right where are other 7 dimensions?here we have to know that dimensions are of two types big dimensions which we can see easyly and small dimensions which we cannot see easyly. example it we see a wire than it has only one dimension but ants which are running on it for them it has not only one dimensions.Like this other dimensions are available but we cannot see them it is possible.Quantum gravity has relation with string theory if we take mathematical equations than we find that this theory predict about a massless particle than scientists tried to find that particle but they cant than after four years a scientist tried to solve this and he found that massless particle suggest about gravity and that particle called gravitons.This theory says that gravitons carry gravity at quantum level.

      Many scientists have worked on string theory and made 6 different string theory which have same basic idea but according to string these theories are different.In 5 string theory said that 10 dimensions exits where 6th string theory said that 26 dimensions exist.If we take all string theories and take its concepts than we can fing a new theory called M-THEORY.String theory predict a particle calles TACHYON.This particle has more speed than light.According to this theory before big band two big membrane exist which are continuously vibrating and at a moment they interact with each other and big bang was done.

                                    This theory explain most of all things about this universe.


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