Today what we are knowing about this universe is only because of HUBBLE TELESCOPE.HUBBLE TELESCOPE  has worked fantastically for 27 years.Hubble telescope released in 1990.It has worked wonderfully but it is failed to give answers of many questions like how the first star of our universe made and how our universe's first milkyway made.Many mare questions are therewhich HUBBLE TELESCOPE cannot give answer and it is working for a long time so we have to change it with other telescope  so NASA has made a telescope with help of european and canadean government called JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE.It will take place of HUBBLE TELESCOPE.Probably this telescope will give our answers.

                                                          (HUBBLE TELESCOPE)
       JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE  is more advanced than HUBBLE TELESCOPE.HUBBLE TELESCOPE is made to ditect ultraviolet,visible rays and to some extent infrared rays where JAMES WEBB is only made to ditect infrared rays.Diameter of primery lence of hubble telescope is 2.4 meter where diameter of primery mirror of james webb is 6.5 meter .It is approxymetly 3 times than hubble so it can view more area than hubble so we can see that galaxies which are million miles away from our earth and which we cannot see with hubble.Hubble cannot see that stars in milkyway which are covered with dust it cannot see behind dust wher james webb is only made to capture infrared rays.Hubble made to exchange its part in space where James webb has to take care of it parts itself.

                                                (JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE)
            James webb is made ti ditect infrared rays so it has to work in very low temperature.It has to work in -230 degrees because worm objects emmite infrared rays if it become hot than we cannot see objects which it has captured.Because of its heat a flash will come to its mirror so we cannot see that object.To get so low temperature.We have to use cryogenics in that telescope.With the help of James webb we can see in past of our universe.It is possible because light travel through all time so if any galaxy is million miles away from our earth the light of that galaxy is travelling for many years in universe so if we ditect that light which is travelling through all time we can see the galaxy of that time so with this telescope we can know more past universe.

         With jems webb we can see 100 million years more in past of this universe.Also we have not to make james webb like hubble so we have to make sun shild to protect it.In this telescope there are five layers of sun shilds to protect it with heat.Sun shild and other parts of james webb are too big so telescope has to fix it with it self in space.James webb has to work in very low temprature so orbit of it rotation will 1.5 million kilometers away from earth where hubble is at only 500 km away from earth.There are some default to use infrared sensors because light has to behaviours particle and wave so if light behave like particle than it will spread in space and if it behave like wave than it can diffract in space .It is called diffraction of light so there will be problem to focus on any object's image.To take a clear image it has minimum of diffraction which will decrease with increasing wave length but we can solve this problem with big aperture sized mirro so it has a big mirror this problem is solved automatically.

       So James webb telescope will be best creation of engineering in future because it is made in normal temperature and it has to work in very low temperature.


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