This theory give us  answer our one of most exciting question how the universe made? Before science all religions said that god has made this world but science has put its new poin of view that god has not made this universe our universe has made from a big bang which was done 1400000000 years ago.All things about this theory is not perfectly right but most of this theory is perfectly right.All scientist now believe that our universe is made from a big bang event.

     Acording to this theory at a time our universe is almost in a piont and temperature of our universe is very high.To check this theory our scientists have made many simulations and astronomicalobservation and LHC(large hadron collider) and also proof of big bang is also exist in this universe as cosmic microwave background.As per this theory in initial 300000 years of this universe its temperature  is too  high that electron and neutron cannot make atoms so we cannot image galaxies so at that time matter is in highly ionized plasma state.At that time light cannot travel so long because neutral atom are available so electrons are redirecting light so at that time universe is like thousands of bulbs are covered with dust.By the time universe is expanding so temperature is decrasing too fastly so a situation available to make atoms that time is called epoch of recombination.Now no free electron available so first time universe is transparent.So before this light is available as infrared rays.This rays are available in this universe now also.

     In 1350000000 years universe is continuously expanding so wave length of light changed into infrared to visible.When something went very hot that light is continuously changing its wave length which is called black body radiation if we take black body radiation wave length function than we can see this type of graph.

      With this we can say that wavelength will depends on temperature of object.So with this if universe is also so high temperatured than it will also give light like heated iron by the time this universe is getting cold but in this time we can also observe black body spectrum.To verify this first our scientists made a graph of black body spectrum v s wave length graph for universe as per theory and then they made graph for real ones that actually exact as per theory.

   As per this graph if we measure temperature of this universe we will get 2.73K and our scientist really ,measured this so they get 2.725K.If we see any star then we are seeing its past not its present because light has to travel alot in space so it will take time to reach us so when that light reached to us some time is passed so we are seeing its past not its present like this if we capture that light which has to travel so much than we can past of this universe.So after so much of expantion plasma converted into gas clouds and hidrogen  atoms than hidrogen atoms react with each other and give fussion and fission reactions with this we got helium atoms and with more reaction stars started to being made.As per this theory in initial 10 rest to power -32 seconds our universe's size was as a molecule of silica we verify this with LHC.With this theory we can imagine initial stage of universe.



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