Dark matter and dark energy is that type of particals or matter which we cannot see.Scientist believe that 96% of our universe is made from unseen matter or energy.21% of universe is made from dark matter,74% of universe is made from dark energy and 4% of universe is made from normal matter.Since 1990 we know that our universe is expanding and we are believeing that with the expantion of our universe speed of expantion by the time will slow but than we caught a supernova with hubal telescope and know that our speed of expantioning universe is increased.So scientist thought that something is giving energy to universe for expantion that energy is known as dark energy.

    Dark energy is everywhere in universe and we can feel effect of it but we cannot see it.Because of expantion of our universe we can see more and more blank spaces everywhere in space because of increasing blanspaces energy of  universe is increasing so it is expanding more quickly.Our scientist thought that that blan space should have some properties that ALBERT EINSTEIN said that blanspaces which we can see is blank for us but it is not really blank.It has some fabulous properties.Blank spaces made from it self and also increase it self.In gravitation theory of EINSTEIN we can see a cosmology constant which represent dark energy but anyone didnot accept that theory.

    When scientist try to count dark energy which value did they count the original was 10 rest to power 120 times more with this we can understand that we cannot count dark energy.Scientists thougth that EINSTEIN's theory of gravity is wrong we need a theory that explain all thing of universe pefectly but theory of gravity is applicable for most of matter of universe so it is difficult to find one more new theory.Dark energy is secret thing for us and our scientist.We have to find many things about dark energy.

     Dark matter is also invisible matter.In our universe gravity is not enough to make milkyways because if gravity is enough to make milkyways that stars will not stay in groups so something is holding them in milkyway it is may be dark matter as we cannot see dark matter we cannot properly say that is dark matter.Dark matter also not react with light or other particle.Also we found that dark matter is natural lence so it refrect light so we can see many gelaxies from earth.It is called gravitational densing also we know that dark matter is not anti matter because anti matter react with normal matter and give gama rays also it is not made from blackholes because it is too much in space.We think that dark matter is made from non baryonic particles it is not proton nutron or electronit is somekind of other particles.Our scientist is finding WIMPS(weakly interacting massive particles)types of particle.Also nutralino is invisible particle we havenot find any matter made with it.Our space is giving us surprises day by day we are knowing more and more about space day by day.We have to also find many more things about dark matter and dark energy.


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